ENCE Captain Marco "Snappi" Pfeiffer Criticizes MR12 System Implementation in CS2
In a recent interview, ENCE's captain, Marco "Snappi" Pfeiffer, shared his thoughts on the recent transition to the MR12 system in the world of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, stating that these changes have a negative impact on the game.
I believe that this is a terrible tactical change that restricts possibilities in Counter-Strike. There are numerous alternative methods to reduce match duration. I've raised this issue multiple times. We could have reduced round time, making Counter-Strike more dynamic. Additionally, we should have considered reducing the number of timeouts to two or three, reducing freeze time, and shortening the bomb timer to 35 seconds. In general, these changes could have shortened the duration of maps by 8-9 minutes, and I can't understand why these options weren't tried before moving to the MR12 system.