Treatz changes role and remains at SK Gaming
Eric Treatz Wessen tweeted a statement that he will not represent SK Gaming as a jungler from the beginning of next season, but will play as a support. Most likely, such changes in the roster are caused by the team's poor results in the summer split: the teams took the penultimate place, winning only 5 games out of 18.
There are also rumors in the community that Broxah will join the team, who left Europe a couple of years ago to play LCS, but over a long period he did not manage to achieve impressive results with the team.
The practice of changing positions is not used very often and can both ruin a player's career and give him a second chance. Bwipo can be considered a striking example of a successful replacement: before the summer split, he gave way to the top of the young talent Adam and now plays the role of a forester. We'll watch Eric and his team.
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