Dire Wolves with their new roster
Wolves Dire - Australian organization in the field of e-sports, which started from the mobs of Games is Riot: League of Legends. Just recently, they presented their new LoL squad for the spring split to the world. An absolutely new and young team awaits us in the new season.
Dire Wolves themselves announced this on their official Twitter page. The news was positively supported by the community.
As I wrote above, the team came out extremely young, both in terms of age and experience in the professional environment of the League of Legends. Each of the guys is no more than two years old on the pro-scene, and two of them do not have it at all.
Most of the Dire Wolves scouts are drawn from rival teams from their region. So, for example, Goodo and Frosts moved from MAMMOTH, and Kyose from Gravitas. The Wolves took their new top laneer from their junior team Dire Cubs. Back in the day, their new support player and replacement botliner had never made it to the pro scene before.
The two new coaches of the team, like the players, also moved over from the neighboring Gravitas team. They will be Kim " Poltron " Nicholls and Joseph " Valixas " Tselios.
Dire Wolves is already an experienced organization in the world of esports disciplines, but such a dramatic change seems dubious. And although Oceania is far from the strongest competitive region, from such decisions the results at the upcoming LCO 2022 Split 1 may not be the most consoling.
This is what the new Dire Wolves roster looks like:
- Cameron " Zorenous " Abbott - Top Lane.
- Jeong " Goodo " Min-jae - forest.
- Nathan " Kyose " Bacha - mid lane.
- James " Frosts " Paterson is a bot lane.
- Alvin " Dante " Wong - bot lane (replacement).
- Drekani " Bulldog " Akuhata - support.
- Hakim " Mik " Mahsoomi - support (replacement).
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