Phil Spencer is satisfied
Two days ago, the next generation consoles from Microsoft Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S went on sale. Such a significant event could not leave aside the main fan, and concurrently the CEO of the Xbox, Phil Spencer.
Spencer was extremely pleased with the sales of consoles in the first 24 hours after release. He called them the record-breaking Xbox series ever sold. Also, the head of the Microsoft gaming division is extremely pleased that, despite the coronavirus pandemic, his team managed to cope with the release of two consoles, and the fans provided them with tremendous support.
Phil Spencer Commentary
"You continue to show us that the unifying power of play is more important than ever."
If anyone is in the tank, let us remind you that Xbox Series X/S sales began on November 10. Today, the PS5 will be released in some countries, and on November 19, the next-generation console from Sony will appear worldwide.