1inch Network activated Fusion - Swap Engine integration happened
The 1inch Network team announced the introduction of an update for their decentralized exchange. One of the main innovations of the update was the integration of 1inch Swap Engine.
The latter is a combination of technologies that should make the exchange of tokens more profitable and provide a high level of security to its customers.
1inch Swap Engine has support for Fusion mode, which allows you to place orders with a specified price and a specific time range. Notably, with the help of Fusion, users will be able to refrain from paying fees, which was done in order to protect against MEV attacks.
In addition to the above, the update also changed the management model and economics of 1inch Network. Users now have the ability to stake coins for a period between 1 month and 2 years.
Among other economic innovations, it is worth noting the opportunity for staking participants to earn Unicron Power tokens. With the help of these coins, it will be possible to improve the protocol management mechanism or exchange for a reward.
The project administration will also give an additional incentive to their clients to use the Fusion mode. Users' expenses can be reimbursed by distributing 10,000,000 1inch tokens among them.
Recently, this is not the only update that the developers of 1inch Network can boast of. In November, the team introduced the fifth version of the liquidity aggregator protocol .
The RabbitHole protocol will be able to protect users from sandwich attacks. Such an attack involves the use of bots that closed users with two transaction requests before and after their exchange, forming a “sandwich trap”.
The first use of the trap was seen in 2018, and the quintessence of such uses of sandwich attacks came in 2022. For the whole of 2022, the attackers earned more than $800,000,000 in this way. So far, RabbitHole is at the testing stage and is available to users for payment, however, when it switches to full-fledged work, the amount