Updated. FL1T may continue career at Natus Vincere
Updated. Alexey "OverDrive" Biryukov said that FL1T will not leave forZe.
Not so long ago there were rumors that the leadership of the organization Natus Vincere plans to transfer Ladislav GuardiaN Kovacs to stock due to the unsatisfactory results of the team, and today rumors began to circulate about the possible joining of the ForZe representative Eugene "FL1T" Lebedev.
Alexey "OverDrive" Biryukov:
“Navi are negotiating with forZe about Fleet, soon there will be more specifics!”
It is worth noting that with the transfer of Eugene “FL1T” Lebedev, Alexander “s1mple” Kostylev will transfer to the position of sniper, who is already training at that position.
Current Natus Vincere squad is:
Egor "flamie" Vasiliev Alexander "s1mple" Kostylev Denis "electronic" Sharipov Cyril "Boombl4" Mikhailov Ladislav "GuardiaN" Kovacs (?)
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