MIBR released fer from his duties
MIBR has been informed that fer is now a free agent with no responsibilities to the Brazilian club. The esportsman is open to new proposals.
The two-time champion was recently spotted playing alongside BOOM Esports. It is possible that he sees this team as a new organization with which to conclude a contract. There he, by the way, played instead of felps.
After the esportsman, along with TACO and dead, was excluded from the starting line-up, it was not clear what would happen next. Now the parties to the contract have announced its termination.
Fer spent about two years under the MIBR banner. During this time, the team with his help was able to win the ZOTAC Cup Masters 2018, receiving $ 200,000 as an award, as well as to take second place in the first FLASHPOINT season and earn $ 250,000 there.
BOOM looks like a good option for fer. The team is showing excellent results in South America and has won eight consecutive regional tournaments in which it took part. If Fernando 'fer' Alvarenga takes the place of felps, he will play alongside chelo, yel, shz and boltz.
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