CSPPA approves summer break dates for next year
The CSPPA, the Counter-Strike Professional Players Association, has approved summer break dates for 2023. In the next season, players will rest from June 12 to July 9. It is reported that such a decision was made to evenly divide the season into two parts.
After consulting with organizers, players, and other members of the community, the CSPPA has decided to put a hiatus on the 2023 Summer Tournaments from June 12 to July 9. Compared to the summer holidays 2022, which will take place from July 18 to August 14.
The competitive year will be divided into two more evenly filled seasons. Going forward, CSPPA will be in dialogue with developers and other community stakeholders to better align major CS:GO tournaments with the summer and winter breaks.
CSPPA is the Association of Professional Players, created in the summer of 2018 to respond to requests and meet the interests of esports players. The current players in the CSPPA are: chrisJ, JT, Golden, apEX, MiGHTYMAX and STYKO.
The official summer break has been in effect since 2017 to give TIER-1 players the opportunity to rest between the first and second part of the season. It was originally scheduled for August, but in the past few years it has been moved from mid-July to mid-August. Since the winter off-season usually falls between mid-December and mid-January, the competitive halves were unevenly divided, with the first half lasting about six months and the second half about four months.
Given the dates Valve has set for next year's Majors, the Spring Championship will be the last in the first half of the season (scheduled for weeks 19 and 20).