Complexity Gaming signed ex-Extra Salt players
North American multigaming Complexity Gaming returns to the CSGO arena. The return to CSGO after a short break was celebrated by the signing of three ex- Extra Salt players and a North American veteran.
Updated Complexity Gaming roster
- JT
- FaNg
- floppy
- Junior
- Grim
- Tc (coach)
The backbone of the updated Complexity Gaming roster was made up of former players from the Extra Salt organization, namely JT, FanG and floppy. The first has been playing for Extra Salt since December 2020, the second since January 2021, and the third since October last year.
In addition to the trio of players, the former coach of Extra Salt – Tc also joined CoL. They completed the Junior team, who previously played for FURIA and the wind of the North American scene Grim, who managed to play for Liquid, Dignitas and other big clubs.
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